Friends of the Galesville Public Library

How can you help?

People always say they want to help, but aren’t sure how or where.  Well, your talents can be put to good use as a Friend of the Galesville Public Library.  We are looking for people who want to assist, who have ideas and are enthusiastic about our library.

We are a group that puts our individual skills and talents to work for the local library and its patrons.  All tasks are done voluntarily, so you are never inconvenienced.  Some volunteers like to work with children, others love setting up displays, while others use their artistic talents to help around the building.  Still others choose to get involved for special projects only, or to bake for parties and events.

No matter what your style or time commitment, we would treasure having you as a “Friend.”  Please join today and lend us your talents to help the library continue to serve the community of Galesville in the best way possible.

The Friends recently donated money toward the DVD storage spinner, and the library’s new laser color copier/printer.  We make a difference!

The Friends decorated the library for our 2011 Summer Library Program.

What are Friends of the Library?

Friends are community citizens who want to support their local library.  Our group has been in existence since the 1980’s.  We are strictly a volunteer, self-governing organization that functions independently.  The group meets several times a year and works on various projects to assist our library.  The Galesville Public Library can always use additional resources, whether that be volunteering time or helping find ways to assist financially.  The Friends group fills both of those needs.

What do we do?

We have several functions as individual members and as a group.
Some of these activities include:
-Assist with library events such as Storytime and the Summer Library Program

-Fund raising, especially the annual Apple Affair Used Book Sale on the first Saturday in October

-Deliver books to shut-ins

-Provide funds for special library projects, such as new computers or furniture
-Increase public awareness of our library’s resources and services

-Offer our talents where needed and necessary to supplement the regular library staff


President:  Sandy Ravnum

Vice President:  Beth Sveen

Secretary/Treasurer:  Wina Mortenson

Become a Friend

Please come to the library and pick up a registration form!  The Friends of the Galesville Public Library meet only 3 or 4 times per year, besides volunteering for events.  Annual dues are $5.00 per person, $10.00 per family.   A lifetime membership is $75.00.