Be very careful when searching the net for medical information. Be sure you have found a reputable, up-to-date site. (When searching books for medical information, look for a recent publication date and a reputable author/publisher.)
Some good sites:
Covering Wisconsin is a year-round health insurance resource for consumers and professionals in Wisconsin. CW helps people sign up for health insurance, creates easy-to-understand health materials, and trains professionals on health policies and programs.
Healthy Wisconsin People A guide to online resources about living longer, healthier, happier lives in Wisconsin.
Kids Health This site is sponsored by health experts of Nemours – a nonprofit organization devoted to children’s health.
Mayo Clinic Medical and health information from the Mayo Clinic.
Medicare The official U.S. Government site for people with Medicare.
Medline Plus A service of U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
Mental Illness This link will connect you to the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This organization provides information and support for person with mental illness, their families and advocates, and has an active chapter in the La Crosse areas.
Mesothelioma Guide Patients can take action to treat their disease and improve their condition.
National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health sponsors this site.
NIH Senior Health Provides basic health and wellness information for older adults from National Institutes of Health.