SLP is a Community Effort!

Thanks so much to all who have helped to make this a special program for the Galesville area.

City of Galesville (for many things!)
G-E-T School District (for lending us a space in case of rain!)
Friends of the Galesville Public Library (for many things!)
Downtown Galesville Business Alliance (for inviting us to the Walkabouts)
Bruce Bender and his Button Maker
Tom & Diane Thatcher (for making hot dogs)
Mike Oanes (for bringing Mike & Laura’s camper to the finale)
Paul Kinzer (for bringing Paul & Wina’s camper to the finale, and talking about their eclipse adventure)
Chris Hunter (for supervising the S’mores)
Garden of Eden Preservation Society: A. A. Arnold House (for inviting us to Founders Day and their 150th Anniversary)
and Old Main (for lending us the tent canopy whenever we needed)